Hi guys I am looking to buy my first rangie but am unsure which model to get and which fuel to get. I have a budget of about £1500 but could sretch to £1700 for the right machine. I have been thinking about an LPG converted V8 and was considering the 4.2litre vogue LSE with an LPG kit in it, but have been told the diesel ones are good. The reaon I want this car is to commute from Aberdeen to Yorshire and back once a month so I need as good as poss mile per £ as possible from the car and decent performance and reliabilty. I have been put off the diesel as the engine seems to b underpowered for the size and weight of the car plus the mpg doesn't seem to out weigh the cost of diesel. I have been told that the LPG system has a much lower mpg compared to the same engine running on petrol, is this the case for a rangie? I will not really b doing much offroading with this car so am not really to concerned about that side of things, I will however be towing trailors with motorbikes on them and poissibly a boat. Please give this Range Rover beginner some advice. I want a rangie cause they are british are ace and I hate small cars
(also like the V8 engine note)
(also like the V8 engine note)