whats th inside of ur landy look like?!

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Can't think wht he'd say that me self I mean who'd fit summat to their landy what'd make it look like a lighthouse. yu'd have ta be a bit daft in the hed to do that. Wun't yer????? :D :D
ere grippa, was that the series wi the lighthou......... erm snorkel

Ha ha, is wunce a ferkin munf this comes up now int it? An' is alus you yer Yella bastid...................and you int much better GRANT, an' Pikey, PIKEY, dunt even git me started.

Laddies & Genitalmen, fer yer delectayshun, me ol' fekin lighthouse, ta daa!


  • 2006-07-02 005 01.jpg
    2006-07-02 005 01.jpg
    83.4 KB · Views: 198
FFS it din't look thaat bad! is that one ov them donaldson precleaner thingies??

hehehehehehehehehehehehe haaaaaahaaaaaaahahhaha. tittertitter snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger snigger
ah think he has latent barry feelings inside his rough exterior

he'll be putting things on his v8 next, things with big letters that tell you who made it or what shop it came from
I'l admit i'm still new to this, but I thought chequer plating was banned?
ah as the starter of this thread, thought it only rite I post a couple pics of me landy. bit grainy and nowt spesh, but its still a landy.which beats a lot of things..

hope it worked