Right I'm digging around in the engine bay of my 01 diesel. Found this disconnected pipe
It goes into the gearbox tunnel on the right of the pic and it's fairly rigid. I haven't been under the car yet to see where it goes but I can't see anywhere near it that it might connect to. there's also a wire cable to the right of the pic that is just hanging off that weight and not attached to anything at the other end.
Secondly there's a missing pipe coming from the left of the egr valve that, from what I've seen goes across the front of the engine and somewhere over towards the turbo but I can't see where it joins on to. It's this one.
and lastly can anyone tell me what goes where from the egr valve modulator?
I know one them goes to the egr valve but not which one and I don't know where the other one goes.
Sorry for the rambling post.
It goes into the gearbox tunnel on the right of the pic and it's fairly rigid. I haven't been under the car yet to see where it goes but I can't see anywhere near it that it might connect to. there's also a wire cable to the right of the pic that is just hanging off that weight and not attached to anything at the other end.
Secondly there's a missing pipe coming from the left of the egr valve that, from what I've seen goes across the front of the engine and somewhere over towards the turbo but I can't see where it joins on to. It's this one.
and lastly can anyone tell me what goes where from the egr valve modulator?
I know one them goes to the egr valve but not which one and I don't know where the other one goes.
Sorry for the rambling post.