Seen in Epping (the home of Chavs, WAGS and Rod Stewart)
Starting with the least offensive and working down found on a 52 plate SWB TD5 Defender
Streering guard -nice I want one!!!
Devil skin patches - ok Gertrude has some
Tinted windows?????? Ok they look ok on Ranges and Discos but I'm not sure about Denfenders
White paint - a real NO NO unless its on UN vechiles. AND two silver stripes going length ways over the vechile (aka Eleanor)
Low profile tyres - On a Denfender???????????? With a streering guard????????
The gayest of gay spoke wheels (ex a RR Sport I suspect) What is he on??????????
And its parked in a disabled spce and does not have a blue a tlcket!!!!! Or is having no taste now a disability????
Starting with the least offensive and working down found on a 52 plate SWB TD5 Defender
Streering guard -nice I want one!!!
Devil skin patches - ok Gertrude has some
Tinted windows?????? Ok they look ok on Ranges and Discos but I'm not sure about Denfenders
White paint - a real NO NO unless its on UN vechiles. AND two silver stripes going length ways over the vechile (aka Eleanor)
Low profile tyres - On a Denfender???????????? With a streering guard????????
The gayest of gay spoke wheels (ex a RR Sport I suspect) What is he on??????????
And its parked in a disabled spce and does not have a blue a tlcket!!!!! Or is having no taste now a disability????