I found more than one thing that could have caused the main problem, one of which you may be able to do before taking the starter off.
Apart from the lucar connector, the main positive connector, I discovered can become loose although the nut holding the fat wire conector may be tight.
So, before taking the starter off try this.
Disconnect the batt.
Disconnect both wires.
THEN tighten the nut holding the copper bolt to the starter solenoid.
Refit everything.
If you found it loose when you tightened it, you MAY now be able to start the car easier.
If this still doesn't work any better then I will be doing a thread on this in the very near future.It'll take me a while cos i never know how big the pics should be and I'll have to crop and reduce them.
So, in the meanwhile, if someone could tell me the best compromise size for pics to get them to be not too big but decently sharp, I'd be grateful before I start the thread.
Hopefully I'll start it tonight but the sun is shining for once so I must get on with prepping the Disco for its MOT.