Nanocom Codes TD5 Def

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Well-Known Member
South London/North Kent
Was checking a few things today and noticed i had a few fault codes come up

Driver demand one
Ambient air circuit logged
Inlet air temp circuit

Cleared them, they returned. Cleaned all the sensors, cleared again, returned again.

Other than the codes landy seems to be running fine bar a limp mode issue but i think that was down to the MAF dying/being dead.

Any suggestions? My first thought is the AAP sensor is dead.
check your fuses dude, and the engine harness across the front of the head. ive read it can chafe and short, blowing fuses giving that code and causing maf issues etc

but inlet air temp code is to do with iat/map sensor i believe so worth swapping that first
I read the same. I checked the harness seems to be fine ill double check fuses. MAP is an uprated one from TD5Inside so not too easy to get a new one

Codes will not go away and are now causing it to go into limp mode sometimes but without showing the EML.

Cleared and these returned after a 10 min drive.

(1,5) driver demand problem one
Logged (4,1) inlet air temp circuit,
(5,5) driver demand problem one
Current (6,1) inlet air temp circuit

Also if it makes any odds inlet air temp is showing 120c constantly.

For now ive turned the boost down incase that is the issue for some reason.
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I think driver demand fault relates to the throttle pedal, it can loose the 5v supply.
Take a look here:
All sounds to be related to electrical fault possibly in the loom.

Ill have a look.

I know the throttle loom has worn through before and been bypassed direct to the ecu so chasing throttle issues should be easier.

This is VERY annoying now.

Only other thing I can think of is I did unplug the MAF while the engine was running. Started throwing codes after that.

@sierrafery any insight?
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Do you still have your original map sensor? You could try refitting it and clear codes, if they stay away you’ve found the issue
Thats the next plan.

So i think this is the issue.

MAP has died or is dying so the ECU is getting the fueling calculations off the MAF sensor. However I have a MAF bypass hose fitted so the engine is getting more air than the ECU knows of due to the MAP being dead/dying.

Ties in with the fact the 110 will only run in limp mode with MAF disconnected as the ECU cant calculate fueling.

Thats my guess anyway.
map also sends inlet air temp signals so it makes sense that you have inlet air faults. Have you checked signal wires from MAP to ecm for open circuit or short circuit to power before ordering new sensor. Given inlet air shows 120 C it seems most likely output from IAT is shorted to 5 volt supply as resistance decreases as air temp rises so a short to the 5volt would max out the temp reported to the ecm… I think!!!
Woo new Bosch MAP sensor and fixed :)
