My penniworth - your FL appears to be for short term ownership then move onto something else. You should have an idea on what you can afford to spend. A crook motor with a dropped liner is a biggie. If you plan to keep it then the £££ outlaid could be worth it. But unlikely to be worth it for a short term ownership. You can shim low liners to bring them back to spec.
A faulty transmission system, of which the VCU is an important part, is also another critical aspect. You could make it just FWD - an easy and inexpensive mod. If you leave it with a faulty VCU it
will get expensive.
Related to transmission/VCU is tyres - are the all the same brand, size and type?
For me a tidy vehicle is a must, no body rot, accident damage and a clean tidy interior = a keeper. Mechanical stuff is fairly easy to fix but does need ££.
Did the w'shop say the liner was low / er or below the block face?
Oh and welcome to LZ!