Finally got my 90, and it blew up on route home

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Well-Known Member
Calllington, Cornwall
Well, what can i say. After a great deal of help from LandyZone members for which i will always be greatfull. A 7hr train journey, 2hrs looking it over, decision made :)
I picked it up, had then filled up, plugged the sat nav in and bang went the electrics :( Luckily i'd had the foresight not only to have pulled up outside Halfords but also to take with me wire, connectors, insulation tape, fuses and strippers. After a fair bit of head scratching and a purchase of a multi meter from halfords i found out that the cigy lighter had been wired up with a permanent live aswell as an ignition live, NO EARTH. Also it was corroded to hell.
It blew my sat nave charger and most of the fuses to lights etc so had to buy even more fuses from halfords as well as a new multi power point cigy lighter, splice this to the ignition live and run a new earth... job done. just as it got dark :bounce:

SO... of i set on the 8hr journey home, or so i thought.

Got as far as northampton after a food stop then at 60mph there was a sudden, fast, loud clanking noise fololwed by a massive bang and terminal loss of of power to all but the electrics... dead. :confused:

Now at this point my stomach has colided with my heart and didn't know wether to head out through my throat or my arse and my head dropped about 12" onto the steering wheel as i'm sat in the dark on the side of the a45 on a slipway.

I should also add that i'm freezing cold as no heater working what so ever, and there's no interior light. Probably again through the wiring hash ups that seem to be common place in this 90.

Good news was that i had a good recovery policy and after a little miss hap with locating me, due to my lack of local knowledge, i was in a warm cab heading south again. Now 12.30am.

OF course, i'm thinking the worse... fu**ed engine :mad: but am hoping not.
Then i remembered that the seller had stated he'd changed the gearbox and transfer box along with a heavy duty clutch due the old one whining a lot. Also the front drive shaft i think. I comment on this to my driver and immediately he thinks that something has given on this side which has in turn jammed the engine.

MY local trusted mechanic has this morning been able to manually get a few turns n the engine, although still wont budge on ignition, and can't look any further until at least tuesday....

So what do you guys reckon with these symptons??????????

Prob now is i have no idea what this will cost to sort out or even how to do it without the labour costs, so what has already cost me a fair bit in time aswell as money, now looks like its gonna cost a darned site more and i'm in effect snookered and very deflated :eek:

Oh, and here.. some pics of her outside the garage.
Some pic's i cant show for embarresment right now as had enough without the mick take off here :p i'ts a stickers issue, nothing to with me i'll add.







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Hope it doesn't turn too expensive for you.

You have my sympathies. I too have experienced that sinking feeling of thinking I've made a terrible mistake.
get your money back..

oh and im guessing no pics of the rear cos to me it looks like a home made x member judging by the horrible rear arch cut

have you rung the seller yet?

Actually that's a really good point. Don't want to be a downer but do you want to start a relationship in that way?
I've spoken with the seller.. did that from the side of the rd right after the bang, but he's a little despondent and evasive as to responsibility in terms of offering to help sort or cover any of the costs to sort. I've not gotten overly sh**y with him as that generally doesn't get you anywhere and i need to ascertain the actual damage and costs before throwing my dummy out of the pram over it to much. He's in a 4x4 club himself and i know some members on here know him so i'm hoping he'll offer some sort of help when it comes to the crunch... pardon the pun.

All belts are still on engine, oil and water all good and the engine can be turned over with a socket a few turns so looking like its free enough but just a solid none mover on ignition unfortunately.

The rear cross member is indeed an odd fabricated none standard one which i don't actually think is to bad and will profile better from rear when i get some thick mud guard down behind it i'd imagine. The main reason for a none show of pic, which i have got, is the amount of girly stickers all other it and i'm not in the mood for the **** take it would no doubt generate. Not got around to removing them yet, as was the plan, due to it not being at home and stuck where it is. But it will be the first job. Off with them and order some landyzone ones to go on.

Right now i'm almost to disheartened to feel i even warrant putting my stamp on it at all.

Don't want to look for my money back as i think it's a great machine, just not as it stands.
Chin up, think how much more you will appreciate your new toy when she is up and running. I bought a 90 recently and have had a few teathing problems, two punctures in two days, ignition failure etc but with a bit of persiverance and the advice of this lot she is slowly coming good. Keep at it, go take those stickers off the back, even if you have to drive to the garage to do it and then post the rear pics with pride. I am sure everyone on here will help perk you up with encouraging posts.:crazy_driver:
300tdi. Disco one i think.
Will have them stickers off tomorrow i hope but need power for heat to ease off and nobody at garage so might be a couple days yet.
yer right,he will get all the advice and encouragement from some of the best lads in the landy world but theres a cost and that happens to be the **** taking,chin up post the pics and just get it over and done with,:D
The tow hitch is removable and will be off most of time as looks like a big pin to stick in the ground as it is.

Was thinking about a big rubber guard to hang down behind but obviously not the same level all across, more like the normal cross member shape with mud guards fixed if that makes sense.