Last couple days my landy has been getting hot and I couldnt understand why.
Checked cooland and pipes etc
Then yesterday It went into the red and I couldnt pull over but when I finally managed to, upon deceleration I could he knocking.
Sounded like bottom end so I immediately shut her off.
Next day (it was dark by time I got back) I went out, checked oil and it was just about on the stick. Explains everything now but I cant understand why
I check oil frequently (once a week) sometimes less then that. No signs of leaks, I didnt notice any blue smoke from burning it
Anyway hoping that I court it quick enough and only knocked few years of her life, I filled her up and cranked without fuel to throw oil about then started her.
She ran, no knocks, nothing.
Turned her off, put some pips back on etc to take for test drive, started her and now I get funny noise as she starts
Defently metal on metal, like something is turning or trying to. Thought it was turbo that got starved of oil but its fine.
any ideas?
Its a 90 btw