Disco 2 Air suspension AGAIN :-(

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Right guys, so the disco has been fine since I put new seals in the compressor, and a newish valve block from eBay, so the missus goes to work this morning alls fine, she then gets to the car about 2ish and doesn't notice anything untoward, she drives away and the suspension drops and the yellow light at the bottom of the clocks came on (the one with the two arrows), she managed to limp it home, giving me an ear full for good measure, so what could it be?
When I done the compressor I spayed the bags and pipes and had no leaks.
Both bags and ride height adjusters were replace within the last year.
Not sure but I think it'r the ide height

Any other ideas

Yeah I know and that's always in the back of my mind, but I sometimes need the seven seat, and I do think it's a good system "when it works"
seems like snapped height sensor, if they were not genuine it can happen in no time, a friend of mine fitted pattern ones and one of them broke the next day but even if it's not broken it can have connection problems or some wiring issue on the circuit... investigation is needed
Mines been converted to coils by the P.O. and I'm going to reinstate the SLS as soon as I've got the cash spare. Which isn't likely to be any time soon owning a landy :D I wouldn't jump the gun, investigate first
Yeah defo don' want to lose the system, they were "cheap" ebay ones,
Sorry for the noob question, but surely they each operate their own side, and I my simple world, only one side should be deflated.......
Yeah defo don' want to lose the system, they were "cheap" ebay ones,
Sorry for the noob question, but surely they each operate their own side, and I my simple world, only one side should be deflated.......
not necessarily cos the system tends to relevel, reading the stored fault code would be the shortest way to an answer
Can you pump it up now and get it back to std height?
If so, what reading do you get for the height sensors?
Is it set to SLS on the cars settings?

Yes, definitely take a pipe off and check there is pressure pumping. I had the same problem a while ago and it was my own stupidity for doing a 'botch' on a height sensor. I fitted new ride-height-sensors and all was well, but also bought a spare pump just in case. Already has replacement bags so I knew they were OK.

My only comment (and sincere apologies to whoever I chastised at the time) is given the hassle with air suspension I would opt for springs. Simple reasoning is you are completely buggered when there is a problem: can't be towed easily, not an east limp back home, too many things can go wrong.

Fortunately mine has been fine since, but Given the choice I would never buy a Landy with this system again.
Unfortunately nanocom used to miss SLS fault codes even if they exist that's verified by me with hawkeye but you can read live inputs with it to see if the height sensors are reporting both the same and in Utility - calibration - raise left/right you should be able to pump up the bags just that many cycles are needed
Ok, that's what I was using yo try and pump them up, I did take this photo if its relevant


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It used to rise only few cm on one command and many are needed each side but if it doesnt climb at all maybe that piston ring was fitted incorrectly then when the system gave a relevelling input the valves opened and the bags deflated backwards through the compressor... i've seen this happening

to rule out the sensors jack it up from the towbar and see the inputs which should grow evenly as well
Ok, I belive I fitted the piston ring correctly, but you never know.
OK will jack it up tomorrow and see what happens
Just can't understand this is exactly what happened last time, then it' fine, then it' not
Right, I haven't been outside yet to jack it up, but been up half the night thinking about this
So the car has spent time in Germany, I belive brought over here and taken over the brought back,
The car both times it' done this seems to be when it' unlocked
Would the key be acting as a "plip"
If so how could I check

Just throwing some ideas out there
So just braved the cold and got a under it, and did the test, seems like the left ride heigh sensor is messing around, is that correct?