Not heard of this before

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Well-Known Member
Christchurch, New Zealand
There's an 04 V6 just been listed for sale here. In the description its says...

Heater hot water pipe disconnected. This can be reconnected easily by MG Rover (local garage). Was done to diagnose overheating issue which has been resolved by replacing coolant bottle and refixing engine mounts that were crushing a cooling pipe.

So they say that poor engine mounts were crushing a coolant pipe. Sounds a bit iffy.

Add sounds genuine, but I doubt that the overheating issues have been fully addressed.

There's another 1 just listed local here in Chch. If it doesn't go to high, it will be sitting on my drive in a couple of weeks :) It has been listed at $5K (£2.5K) which is at least $2K over priced if it was in good condition. Without a hardtop though and with the crappy seats, that would put it in the $2K price bracket - then you read the condition report on Turners website and it says "Noisy diff, Noisy wheel bearings, CV's noisy" - so its a "project" really.
There's an 04 V6 just been listed for sale here. In the description its says...

Heater hot water pipe disconnected. This can be reconnected easily by MG Rover (local garage). Was done to diagnose overheating issue which has been resolved by replacing coolant bottle and refixing engine mounts that were crushing a cooling pipe.

So they say that poor engine mounts were crushing a coolant pipe. Sounds a bit iffy.

Add sounds genuine, but I doubt that the overheating issues have been fully addressed.

There's another 1 just listed local here in Chch. If it doesn't go to high, it will be sitting on my drive in a couple of weeks :) It has been listed at $5K (£2.5K) which is at least $2K over priced if it was in good condition. Without a hardtop though and with the crappy seats, that would put it in the $2K price bracket - then you read the condition report on Turners website and it says "Noisy diff, Noisy wheel bearings, CV's noisy" - so its a "project" really.

Wow bargain G, could you pay for it for me, arrange the shipping and I'll pay the delivery guy my end !
Very unlikely that a failed mount would crush a coolant pipe. The coolant pipes are free floating with loads of space around them.