If you've seen my previous posts you'll see i've had problems with key code lock out for my 99 P38 hse. I've sorted this out a simple problem a couple of quid new cam kit.
Now it won't start, when turning the ignition it doesn't turn over, all that happens is all dash and indicator lights flash and the horn beeps fast in sync with the flashes, It stops when i turn the key back again.
The message centre comes up with lots of error messages some in German. Even when the key is completely removed the mileage still shows on the dash and says "ignition key in" when it isn't
I know i need to change the RF unit as i have a permanent battery drain and this can cause probs with the BECM, i've read this can cause the German messages, but why won't it start.
Any idea's????
Thanks in advance.
Now it won't start, when turning the ignition it doesn't turn over, all that happens is all dash and indicator lights flash and the horn beeps fast in sync with the flashes, It stops when i turn the key back again.
The message centre comes up with lots of error messages some in German. Even when the key is completely removed the mileage still shows on the dash and says "ignition key in" when it isn't
I know i need to change the RF unit as i have a permanent battery drain and this can cause probs with the BECM, i've read this can cause the German messages, but why won't it start.
Any idea's????
Thanks in advance.