weird stuff you can find on ebay

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Aanother stupid fukin Yank
I has been sucked in by
M AOL's stupid Yank fukin advertising.

at least I had the courtesy of capitalising Yank.... or is courtesy another word that Yanks don't know the meaning of?
oh! no !!!!! dildo has used the trump come back!! the old "i've pumped yer mum"
is there no end to the boy's wit and ingenuity? that is only second to the "whatever" come back as used by mattoe not so long ago.
whereswaldo583 said:
well at least i have the courtesy of capitalizing Your Mom:eek:

Talk to the elbow ... the hand is too busy fisting your mum.

Notice the "u" in "mum" .... no "o", a "u". Yet another instance of a stupid fekkin Yank lack of education.


Yank ignorance and an insistance of thier correctness. I bet your mourning the immenent demise of Ariel Sheron. I bet you fecking morons all think he was a great leader. Ariel's Final message to the Palestinians .... "I didn't want to do it, the yanks made me .... they threatened to cut off all our subsidies if I didn't. if you have to take it out on anyone, take it out on them."

Best off you **** packers start digging holes. You can hide in 'em or bury yourselves. the outcome will be the same, the middle east is gonna come home and bit your bad ass.
slob said:
now come on sheddy the iraqkeys ain't had it so good. they only have about 50 aday being killed by bombs thanks to the septics

Yes, and the M203 grenade launcher comes with a new instruction label .... "point the loud end at the enemy".

Brings to mind another yank oxymoron .... "Fiendly fire"
Then, oops, no, the war's over damn. Oh well, we've killed lots of allies, civilians & our own, best stick around for a few more years now we know how the hardware works to make sure the oil's safe & the locals are all drinking Coke & eating burgers. Ahh, culture's a grand thing!