The time clock on my Y reg p38 is loosing time - whilst this does not bother me my wife tells me the clock is wrong everytime she gets in the car - this is bugging me.
The clock has not stopped as such but looses a few hours per day.
Is the clock knackered and do I need a new one - if so any suggestions on used spares.
Can this be fixed and if so how?.
The alternative of course is is not letting my wife in the car ever again so there are no complaints about the clock.
I have had this car over five years - its a good car but has a history of annoying minor electricical faults - this is another daft example of one.
Any thoughts
The clock has not stopped as such but looses a few hours per day.
Is the clock knackered and do I need a new one - if so any suggestions on used spares.
Can this be fixed and if so how?.
The alternative of course is is not letting my wife in the car ever again so there are no complaints about the clock.
I have had this car over five years - its a good car but has a history of annoying minor electricical faults - this is another daft example of one.
Any thoughts