Not only does, whoever drives one need help to know where the kerb is, they also need " Emergency Brake Assist, Lane Keep Assist, and parking aids". When a vehicle is classed as 'safe' due to having aids , for what drivers should be able to do themselves, it is time to ask , just how low is the standard set to pass the driving test.
All the above 'assists' , do not make anything safer. They make drivers lazier, and less aware of what is around them. They don't have to pay attention, because the vehicle will warn them. Until the day it doesn't and a serious accident occurs. Who goes to jail? The driver, who bought a veh , they were reliably informed would 'assist' them by giving warnings , if crossing out of lane, etc. Or should it be the manufacturer , for supplying a vehicle with such 'assists'?
In summary : safest yet, my bottom.