Nsr trye on mine wore weird and it was the top knuckle bush, new bush fitted cheap and easy, thought it was going to be a pita but actually chiuffed how easy it was.
Apparently top arm failure is also quite common with the bushes chassis end going tits up and can be a right swine, i know Gary on here had a right mission to get his off.
Mines 136k still original rear arms
New bush was a copy and wasnt to tight a fit, so out came the centre punch and slatherings of loctite, I should add I am bit of an animal and dont care what I have to do/break to get the job done I just want it done, so some might cringe when they see the pics!
Apparently the knuckle can take three new bushes then its dead! so not sure if copy bush was junk or knuckle was worn?
Either way iot went together and has been on there for approx 14 mths now so maybe 7k mileage
Ps no need for fancy puller, two sockets and some m12 studding will do just as well.
Ps bolt is concentric so make sure you measure the centre of bolt to something solid so new one is set/adjusted in the same place.
If it is in fact your arms good luck
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