Or a height sensor giving dodgy readings. Had the same on mine, it eventually went down not with the dreaded 35mph message. It was the front right height sensor. I posted pictures of the sensor internals a while back.
Me mates was frequently shooting up to high mode then few minutes later eas fault until reset... he changed the driver pack and it aint done it since... im no eggspurt but thats wot appendAgreed, mine does this now and again i do know the N/S front sensor does not like damp conditions. Will get around to changing it before winter arrives. The driver pack can't do anything unless the ECU tells it to.
Me mates was frequently shooting up to high mode then few minutes later eas fault until reset... he changed the driver pack and it aint done it since... im no eggspurt but thats wot append
ECU which cannot handle the voltages required to operate the selonoids. If it is solid state, as i think it is, a power transistor either works or it does'nt there is no inbetween as i understand it.
Thank you all for the advice. I followed the majority rule and assumed it's the sensors. Swapped left for right with no difference. Next is the driver pack? Incidentally, the car goes to extended rather than high profile: top light flashing after settling down.
Thank you all for the advice. I followed the majority rule and assumed it's the sensors. Swapped left for right with no difference. Next is the driver pack? Incidentally, the car goes to extended rather than high profile: top light flashing after settling down.
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