my L322 is breaking my heart at the moment, she is well maintained and in above average condition, but she is failing to start. In Decemberlast she had a new battery fitted, and a new final stage resistor fitted. As the battery was going flat. Anyway everything has been I be in till this last two weeks, it's going flat again, very, very quickly. I got one of these small testers test plug into cigarette socket, this morning after charging and running to the shop, the battery read 14.1v at tick over. After turning the engine off it went yo 12.1v right away and within 5 minuets it was ar 10.1v and still going down, eventually after 10 minuets it was at 6.8v and I stopped the test.
Is thus the battery at fault? As if this was a power drain, I nest tests fast, seriously fast and surprised it's not in flames!!! Can anyone help and advise? Thanks
Is thus the battery at fault? As if this was a power drain, I nest tests fast, seriously fast and surprised it's not in flames!!! Can anyone help and advise? Thanks