Ive bought freelander 52reg.
I had to change the battery and than I realised I had to put the code to make radio work again. I managed to get a code from the previous owner, but after putting it (using digit buttons for memoring stations) I haven't got a clue how to accept it. Ive searched through this forum but I couldn't find the way to get it working. If anyone can halp, appreciate that, as I hate driving with no radio.
I had to change the battery and than I realised I had to put the code to make radio work again. I managed to get a code from the previous owner, but after putting it (using digit buttons for memoring stations) I haven't got a clue how to accept it. Ive searched through this forum but I couldn't find the way to get it working. If anyone can halp, appreciate that, as I hate driving with no radio.