Green lane petion response

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Hmmm ...

"Also, in the light of concern about vehicular use in the countryside, new provisions were introduced in the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, so that TROs can now also be used for the purposes of conserving natural beauty, including flora, fauna and geological and physiographical features. It is for local highway authorities to decide if, how, and when to introduce a traffic regulation order on a right of way.

The Government recognises that motor sports enthusiasts driving in the countryside often do so in a responsible manner; the TRO legislation is only aimed at illegal, anti-social and environmentally damaging use. Defra guidance highlights the need for all the interested parties to work together to consider the various options where there is an identified problem."

As you say, it's up to the local Highways authority .. which means we must all do our bit by checking local TRO's and complaining about them as and when, but preferably before, they happen!
This is Wiltshire councils stand on the matter:-

"Under current legislation, applications made since 20th January 2005 for recording of Byways Open to All Traffic, will, if it is determined that public vehicular rights exist, result, in most cases lead only to the recording in the Definitive Map & Statement as Restricted Byways.

Restricted Byways may be used by the public for:

Walking, Horse Riding, Cycling and driving non-mechanically propelled vehicles.

For Further Information

Please ring the Public Rights of Way Section on 01225 713044, or email [email protected]"
who wrote the petition ? they obviously cannot spell worth **** , so now the minister in the government who reads these petitions will think all 4x4 drivers are illiterate !