Redex is an oxidising agent.... like nitreose oxide, only not as powerful!
How did you mix the redex?
Instructions say to put a shot into the tank, depending on how much petrol you put in.
If you put it in before the petrol, splashing new petrol on top of it, usually mixes it pretty well, but if you squib it in after, then it can just sink to the bottom of the tank, and when you start the engine, pump sucks a really redex ritch mix into the carb.
Of course IF you squirted it in the air-filter..... even worse.
Now, put anything but petrol in your tank, and it will make the engien run lean; its going to drag through the same volume of liquid regardless of whether its fuel or addative.
Run lean, get knock, or back-firing.
But worse, as Redex an oxidising agent, and 'decokes' the engine by releasing oxygen during combustion, in the hope of turning carbon deposits into CO2 and seeing them chucked down the exhaust pipe......
But as much chance of that extra oxygen assisting combustion of fuel..... making engine run effectively even weaker!
Back-fire through oil-bath air-filter; would dislodge any soot or crud in the wire wool, or on the walls of the filter, and possibly shoot cruddy oil out the spout....
Anyway, stuff has never made much difference to anything I've ever driven; get more effect from cleaning the spark-plugs, points and setting the tappets and timing.