This happened to my '96 Disco 1. I'd had them both open going to work the previous day and as usual when i got home pressed both buttons until the noise stopped, then got out and went in the house.
The next day at work at lunchtime when walking towards the rear of the car to eat my lunch i noticed the raer one was still sticking up at the back. It must have not closed fully the night before as i dodn't open them that day.
It would fully open and then slide forwards again but not drop down.
Quickly ate lunch then popped down the road to buy a set of allen keys as i'd read online that you can pull the rooflining down a bit and use an allen key on the motor spindle to close it if your motor fails.
Mine wouldn't budge!
I managed to get the glass to lower by hanging out of the door with one finger on the button and after fully opening the sunroof helping it back and down with my other hand. The problem was that it wasn't fully closed!
I tried this a couple of times and i could get it to 98% close but not the last 2 'keep the water out' %.
So when i got home i pulled the connector off the back of the switch so i couldn't forget and open it and applied the first layer of gaffer tape over the joint.
Several layers of tape later i decided to clean off the tape and have another go at closing it. I didn't want to use silicon because i thought at some pint i'd fit a new one. I opened it to break the reinforcing strands of the bits of gaffer tape that was stubbornly refusing to lift off the bodywork. After i'd cleaned it as best as i could i pressed the button and it closed completely!?!?
It hasn't moved since and now i've replaced it with a Disco 2 with NO SUNROOFS!
So NO leaking issues...
From the roof. The back door seal doesn't seem to work 100% at the top.
The TC seems to make odd noises when i think it works.
Makes the same noises when driving over speed bumps/driving off a curb.
The electric leaks out.
Starter motor now makes a clicking noise instead of a whirring noise, when it feels like it.
The heated front screen heats about a two inch strip, in bits, two or three filaments at a time across the whole of the screen.
The central locking can work from thirty feet away, or barely an inch from the body. Switched back to thirty feet away a day or two after i forked out just over £50 for a new ECU.
Hat to put a new front prop on just after buying it. Flew through the MOT just wanting trackrod ends and anti roll bar drop links.
But you know how it is, the more they make you want to scream the more they get under your skin...