Recently I had a wheel bearing colapse which then knackered my CV, and the whole wheel - long story lol
Anyways, now all sorted, and had to sort out the brakes as had the ABS light on - new sensor fitted job done - ABS light now goes off when you drive.
However, have tried to clear the fault codes so the light flashes when you put on the ignition like before, but can I heck clear the 1-2 fault code - I am doing everything I did before when I got the Disco and cleared the fault codes - bridging pins 4 and 15, and then removing them when the code flashes...
So how many codes can it actually store, as I am sure I have done it over 50 times now.....any idea's?
Anyways, now all sorted, and had to sort out the brakes as had the ABS light on - new sensor fitted job done - ABS light now goes off when you drive.
However, have tried to clear the fault codes so the light flashes when you put on the ignition like before, but can I heck clear the 1-2 fault code - I am doing everything I did before when I got the Disco and cleared the fault codes - bridging pins 4 and 15, and then removing them when the code flashes...
So how many codes can it actually store, as I am sure I have done it over 50 times now.....any idea's?