British Engineering 1 - Jap Crap 0

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New Member
carmarthen, south wales
Me and missus driving back from a well known supermarket.... we'll call it MORRISONS. (because that's its name).

Approach a round about.


and hear a loud crash.

MISSUS: "That sounded bad. Where did it come from?"

ME: "I don't know? But the car behind looks close."

I step out. as does the gentleman in the mitsbushi pinin behind.

JAP-CRAP DRIVER: "How fast were you going?"

ME(with confused look on my face): "obviously not as fast as you?"

JAP-CRAP DRIVER(not seeing the funny side) "well you just smashed my f**king car up!"

ME: "and how did i do that?"

JAP-CRAP DRIVER: "you stopped"

ME: "and you didn't? so you drove into me. and smashed your own F**KING CAR!"

Anyway. i pulled forward to see the damage.

his lil pinin front end totaled. rad bust. bumper, 1 light smashed. the other cracked. numberplate snapped. etc

My Disco had a few scratches on tow bar and he scratched a bit of the bumper?

didnt even feel him hit us.

HE THEN HAD THE CHEEK TO ASK FOR MY DETAILS? so fed him a big F**k OFF! tablet and explained that it was his fault and only his car is damaged. and drove off and left him stranded and blocking the round about. HAPPY DAYS!

Driving in the back of a vehicle is absolute offence, nip down station and then get your whip lash claim in-every other ****er does.

Oh and a victim of road rage if you think the bloke is a ****ing tosser
that's what my neighbour just said. im tempted just to **** him off even more. but then i think of him getting upset over a pinin? i mean seariously! why would someone buy one of them?

He's up **** creek without a paddle, only a complete Penis would think that it was your fault.

Hows the neck.:D
Had something similar a while back. kia ****box totalled vs an inconvenient cut in my RR towball cover...but the dozey bint was even complaining I'd broken her phone as it fell out of her hand and hit the dashboard when she drove into the back of me!

Sounds like this fella was too busy ****in at the stereo/sat nav/phone/ in car toy, to actually bother doing any drivin /stopping
Was parked outside the bank last week getting cash out the hole in the wall when I guy in A VW van ran into the back of my Disco. Van was in **** and not a Mark on the Disco (HD Bumper I Hitch) pushed the front of the Van in. I turned around from the cash machine to see drive jump out of the van shouting "what the F*** do you think you are doing, this van is my work"

Luck for me, another guy standing in the cash machine line turned around to van man and said, deck sake paddy, the jeep was parked and you ran into him, "Paddy are you still ****ed from last night"?

Done the same as you, got into my Disco and drove home, then rang the police and told them what happened and gave them my details and the erg of van man.
I must say that now I have fitted my hd bumper and steel tank guard, every day I hope someone runs into the back of me (not in an HGV though) just so that I can have some laughs.

Sorry to hear about your mishap mate!
Mmmmmmmmm HD bumper sounds like a good investment, I've been tailgated by so many pugs I'm dead tempted to do an emergency stop in town just to prove a point that you shouldnt follow a 4x4 at a distance of 2ft.

Getting a tank guard soon and a hitch on the rear but hadn't thought about an HD bumper, how much are they ?
Me and missus driving back from a well known supermarket.... we'll call it MORRISONS. (because that's its name).

Approach a round about.


and hear a loud crash.

MISSUS: "That sounded bad. Where did it come from?"

ME: "I don't know? But the car behind looks close."

I step out. as does the gentleman in the mitsbushi pinin behind.

JAP-CRAP DRIVER: "How fast were you going?"

ME(with confused look on my face): "obviously not as fast as you?"

JAP-CRAP DRIVER(not seeing the funny side) "well you just smashed my f**king car up!"

ME: "and how did i do that?"

JAP-CRAP DRIVER: "you stopped"

ME: "and you didn't? so you drove into me. and smashed your own F**KING CAR!"

Anyway. i pulled forward to see the damage.

his lil pinin front end totaled. rad bust. bumper, 1 light smashed. the other cracked. numberplate snapped. etc

My Disco had a few scratches on tow bar and he scratched a bit of the bumper?

didnt even feel him hit us.

HE THEN HAD THE CHEEK TO ASK FOR MY DETAILS? so fed him a big F**k OFF! tablet and explained that it was his fault and only his car is damaged. and drove off and left him stranded and blocking the round about. HAPPY DAYS!


Great story had me in stitches!
Pinin - Penis - Got to be a reason that its named that way.

I sympathise with you dealing with a tosser, however unecessary claims just put our insurance up too.

Land Rovers - They're just the best tool!
My Old HD Bumper twisted a couple of times, so I made my own for £20.. ;)


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True story:

One of my colleagues had an accident during the winter of 2009-2010. A woman driving in opposite direction lost control on the snow/ice and spun her car in front of him ending up facing the same way as him and he ran into her. Insurance deemed he was to blame because he hit her from behind!

There was, for a while, some talk about people causing rear end shunts by stopping suddenly without any real reason (sort of crash for cash) being held responsible for it, but insurance companies don't seem to have taken it on board yet, they still tend to put full blame upon the driver for being too close travelling too fast etc. I guess that in 99% of cases it is right though.

My Old HD Bumper twisted a couple of times, so I made my own for £20..
I love your bumper.
DO NOT ever let the insurance company take your car unless you are satisfied with what they propose.I had a two year battle to get scrap price for a top spec volvo with loads of extras.....because the storage yard had "lost" the car and the documents that the insurance Co demanded I give to the collecting crew.As there was no car to inspect,bottom possible payout,and since there were no documents (they would not accept copies) they wouldnt process the claim.Later investigation revealed that the yard operators had been nicked several times for ringing cars in their care etc.Yet the insurers still used them.
More recently,my ES ( after I had crashed it) was taken to a local garage by the insurers instruction and kept in an unfenced,unlit yard.Since the windows were broken,the radio and several bits of the internal kit were stolen.However,the insurance assessor told me to prove it,and held up the claim even further.Since I needed the money to buy a replacement,and like most policies,the small print only gave me a courtesy car for two weeks, I had to fold and accept the measly payout which demonstratably would not buy an equivilent car anywhere in the country.Its great to be able to stand on your rights,unless they have you over a barrell. In which case you are buggered.