Bit of a work in progress
so got fed up with messing around plugging the lead for battery charging into the 12s socket and thought there has to be an easier way without struggling
spent a good while researching different connectors and came up with this , along with having the benefit that it will automatically disconnect if u forget that it’s plugged in
installed it in the towing socket cover , used a backing plate that is normally used on a bird box
fitted the cable into some conduit and bought some 3 mm stainless steel wire , will cable tie the wire to the conduit to give it some more added strength , also a way of securing it whilst the lead is plugged in
trying to figure out how to attach short lengths of wire to the bumper cover, it’s the plastic side that is creating the issue , wonder if maybe drilling some holes at the bottom and fitting rivets
just wondering if anyone had some ideas please
have also started with my oil pressure gauge , got to tidy the trim up a bit and will hide the wire better on the side , had to increase the length so will cut it once it’s installed and well then know more once in situ
Never done wire crimps , clamps before , the clamp didn’t go to well so fitted 2 x crimps instaed , used a battery cable crimp I got a while back
still got the socket on the front of my house and charger in hallway
many thks as always
Bit of a work in progress
so got fed up with messing around plugging the lead for battery charging into the 12s socket and thought there has to be an easier way without struggling
spent a good while researching different connectors and came up with this , along with having the benefit that it will automatically disconnect if u forget that it’s plugged in
installed it in the towing socket cover , used a backing plate that is normally used on a bird box
fitted the cable into some conduit and bought some 3 mm stainless steel wire , will cable tie the wire to the conduit to give it some more added strength , also a way of securing it whilst the lead is plugged in
trying to figure out how to attach short lengths of wire to the bumper cover, it’s the plastic side that is creating the issue , wonder if maybe drilling some holes at the bottom and fitting rivets
just wondering if anyone had some ideas please
have also started with my oil pressure gauge , got to tidy the trim up a bit and will hide the wire better on the side , had to increase the length so will cut it once it’s installed and well then know more once in situ
Never done wire crimps , clamps before , the clamp didn’t go to well so fitted 2 x crimps instaed , used a battery cable crimp I got a while back
still got the socket on the front of my house and charger in hallway
many thks as always