Disco 3 (LR3) Buyers guide inc video

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D3 Grandad
Full Member
this is work in progress for the TDV6 , apologises i can't comment on petrol engines as i haven't owned one

accept no responsibility, i put this together in the hopes it may help , this is only a general guide from personally owning a D3 and from learning in what to look for . Choose carefully or they can become money pits , don’t buy the first one u see, if ur not sure simply walk away

Please send me a pm if u see an error or would like something added,

many thks


Make sure oil pump cover has been replaced to the new style, its a must , otherwise they can destroy the engine , most notably from 2007 onwards, however it's been reported from other members that even from MY2004 onwards have failed, so imperative before purchasing or one of the first things u do is to check that a new style oil pump cover has been fitted regardless of year

Belts front and rear , tensioners , to be replaced every 105,000 miles or 7 x years , which ever comes first , the body does NOT have to be removed for the replacement of the belts

Prices for a half decent base model ,are averaging 7 -8k , all depending on mileage, history condition etc

as u go up the models , insurance becomes more expensive

base model is ins group 33

there are plenty of project D3 s on the market, but can work out very expensive to repair , buyer beware

do an online full Hpi check
MOT , check online for previous mots and adviseries

service history
any receipts , proof of parts and work done, ie , cam belts, oil pump cover , etc


cam belts to be replaced 105,000 miles or 7 years , if not allow £1,000 to replace( body does not need to come off for front and rear belts)
look inside oil filler cap for any signs of water
check all levels , brake servo is under the LH cover
oil pump casing known to fail ( advisory to replace if it hasn't )

if blanking egr valves, 2007 onwards req a software patch, ( please note new MOT May 2018 Regs )

sticking turbo actuator arm
look at general condition of battery , age or any signs of leakage
condition of the engine bay, is there mud everywhere, signs of off roading
remove oil filler cap , pull off plastic cover , look at hoses , wires , general condition


check everything works, with no bong sound warnings
seats , windows, mirrors, etc
press every switch
depending on model , sat nav screen is clear with no flickering
front or rear parking sensors work ok
electronic hand brake known to stick, check operation
when engine is started all warning lights go out , but ensure lights are there before hand
with just the ign on check the srs airbag light shows up and goes out with the engine running
2 x keys come with the purchase , they are conductive charging , so when the key is put into the ign it charges up the battery inside the keyfob , Ensure they work , replacement key approx £250


have a walk around, look at panels, doors, any cracking or chips
see that panels line up, any overspray or previous damage
check spare wheel
look at entire chassis from front to back, oil leaks, wires damaged , dents in chassis etc,
behind sill covers is an area that can rust
look for any signs of leaks anywhere, i.e. front carpets , leaking sunroofs


compressors are renowned for failing
whilst in the vehicle with the engine running , look at the instrument panel, there should be no symbols , whilst in normal mode, a symbol will appear in access and off road height

suspension has 3 x levels , access , normal and off road height, check each height setting and that no warning messages come up in the display

Wishbone bushes , to check these , grab the top of the wheel , pull the tyre towards u then away from u, in a rocking motion , trying to establish if there is any play in the bushes , to do it properly it needs to be jacked up, but this can at least give u a rough idea of the condition of the bushes

important , check them in the access height setting.


terrain response settings , go through each one

rocks, display comes up saying to select low gear ,

ensure smooth operation of hi /low transfer gearbox

drive along slowly in each setting , listening out for noises or clunks

centre diff lock is controlled electronically

On the higher models, i.e. HSE some have a rear electronic diff lock ( eas an option )


look at all brake hoses and pipes
back brake pipes can be an issue
as mentioned , ensure electronic handbrake works correctly and doesn’t screech
after a test drive check each wheel, are they hot , signs of sticking calliper , handbrake


on starting the engine, did it start straight away, any smoke , is the rev counter fluctuating a lot , is the engine smooth , look underneath for any fluids leaking

find a quiet area with no other traffic, at around 5mph gently dab the brakes , listen out for any knocks, if u do can be an indication of worn wishbone bushes

wishbone bushes are known to fail , the D3 is a heavy vehicle , 2.7 tons

with ur hands just off the steering wheel, gently touch the brakes , does it pull to one side

now back on the road at the relevant speed limit , it should be smooth and quiet , automatic gearbox changing without knocks or bangs , is kickdown smooth

put ur foot down , does it pull ok, get it over 3,000 revs, are there any warning bongs or messages appear in the instrument panel , i.e. special programs off
this can sometimes indicate a turbo or sticking turbo actuator arm issue, but not 100% until codes are read

When parked up , CHECK the handbrake comes on without any screeching , if it does u may end up with a £1,000 bill if it reqs a new handbrake module


oil pump casing, make sure this has been replaced, if not get it done,
turbo actuator arm sticking
wishbone bushes
rust under sill covers
brake pedal switch
suspension bushes, mainly front lower and rear upper
eats brake pads, weighs 2.7 ton
3 x electrical connectors that are behind front passengers inner wheel arch , known to cause errors


can't recommend the Gap iid enough , is extremely beneficial , read and clear faults , calibrate suspension heights, able to update and flash engines ecu etc,


will pay for its self very quickly, service is second to none from Gap

currently £420 , bluetooth model better, can use with a phone or ipad


MPG - expect 20 -22 around town , 28-32 motorway
very quiet at motorway speeds
extremely comfortable and very nice to drive
very capable on & off road
plenty of room , 7x seats ( Early 2004 models can be 5 x seats and on coil suspension )
they are complicated , so a diagnostic reader is a must

as u go higher in the range the insurance becomes more expensive , Base model group 33


compressor 450-500
tyres 100-120 each,
cam belts, tensioner , allow a grand
strut , OEM around £150 each
air tank £130

to be continued
always feel free if u think any of the information is wrong, sending me a pm plse, would rather know and correct it
so that at the end of the day it's 100%

hope this helps

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this is work in progress ,, @blue beasty , would this be allowed as a sticky please

this will be added and updated,

@biggeeeee can u have a quick read please

do an online full Hpi check

MOT , check online for previous mots and adviseries


service history

any receipts , proof of parts and work done


cam belts to be replaced 105,000 miles or 7 years , if not allow a grand to replace

look inside oil filler cap for any signs of water

check all levels ,

oil pump casing known to fail

if blanking egr valves, 2007 onwards req a software patch

sticking turbo actuator arm ,

look at general condition of battery , age or any signs of leakage

condition of the engine bay, is there mud everywhere, signs of off roading ,

remove oil filler cap , pull off plastic cover , look at hoses , wires , general condition ,


check everything works, with no bong sound warnings

seats , windows, mirrors, etc

press every switch

depending on model , sat nav screen is clear with no flickering

front or rear parking sensors work ok

electronic hand brake known to stick, check operation

when engine is started all warning lights go out , but ensure lights are there before hand

with just the ign on check the srs airbag light shows up and goes out with the engine running

2 x keys come with the purchase , they are conductive charging , so when the key is put into the ign it charges up the battery inside the keyfob , Ensure they work , replacement key approx £250


check spare wheel

look at entire chassis from front to back

behind sill covers is an area that can rust


compressors are renowned for failing

whilst in the vehicle with the engine running , look at the instrument panel, there should be no symbols , it looks like a car with an arrow

suspension has 3 x levels , access , normal and off road height

check all 3 x levels, ensuring that it takes around 10-15 seconds at the most to reach each height ,
for the instrument symbol to go out at each height


if an auto , whilst the engine is at tickover , watch the rev counter , ensure it's not fluctuating , if so can be signs of a failing torque converter

terrain response settings

go through each one


ensure smooth operation of hi /low transfer gearbox

drive along slowly in each setting , listening out for noises or clunks


look at all brake hoses and pipes

back brake pipes can be an issue

as mentioned , ensure electronic handbrake works correctly


find a quiet area with no other traffic

at around 5mph gently dab the brakes , listen out for any knocks, if u do can be an indication of worn wishbone bushes

should be smooth and quiet , automatic gearbox changing without knocks or bangs , is kickdown smooth

put ur foot down , does it pull ok, get it over 3,000 revs, are there any warning bongs or messages appear in the instrument panel , i.e. special programs off

this can sometimes indicate a turbo or sticking turbo actuator arm issue, but not 100% until codes are read


would recommend iid , is extremely beneficial for faults, being able to calibrate suspension heights, able to update and flash engines ecu etc


will pay for its self very quickly

to be continued

always feel free if u think any of the information is wrong, would rather know and correct it

so that at the end of the day it's 100%

hope this helps

Thanks thats a great help.will takewith me
Thanks thats a great help.will takewith me

ur very welcome

always happy to help as we all are here for fellow landyzone members

shame ur far away , otherwise i would have come and met u and plugged my diagnostic reader in for u , foc , also had a look round ur new disco
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I'm considering buying one now so very handy post :)

How much is it to have the oil pump casing replaced?

hi mate

glad the guide is of some useto to u , i just put it together from personnel experience

the oil pump casing are just over £200 quid to buy , replaced it at the same time the belts and tensioners were also done

don't take any notice if anyone says the body has to come off to replace the rear belt

imagine u would have to allow a min of 3-400 quid to get the oil pump casing replaced

allow a grand to get all the belts and tensioners done, inc water pump and oil pump casing

hope that helps and plse ask away if u have any questions, always happy to help a fellow landy member

as these are complicated landies you've got to go into it with open eyes, never buy on impulse , there are many good examples out there , alas there are also others that req a substantial amount of work and can easily turn into a huge money pit

but at the end of the day they are awesome to drive, extremely comfortable, quiet at motorway speeds

may i ask have u driven one yet
Just spotted a 2006 with 100k fsh etc.

Just asked him about belts and oil cover :)

Seems good on paper but we'll see..... Towards Barnstaple is a long way to go for me so will be asking lots of questions :)
Just spotted a 2006 with 100k fsh etc.

Just asked him about belts and oil cover :)

Seems good on paper but we'll see..... Towards Barnstaple is a long way to go for me so will be asking lots of questions :)


hope the list i've done will be useful in what to look for, noticed there are some who take them as part exchange and wish to try and offload them to unsuspecting buyers

if looked after they will easily do 250k

also good to get a decent warranty

alas i bought mine as a project , but if u can't turn spanners urself u have to factor the labour costs in
It comes with 6 months warranty and is just under 7k so seems ok but will see.....

sounds about right

what model is it plse, as the higher u go the higher the insurance

if u don't mind me saying check out the small print in what the warranty covers
Thank you... some great info/pointers :) looking at D3's now

glad it's of some use

when i bought mine it was abit of a minefield , seeing how advanced the D3 is, i put this together from personal experience to help others in what to look for

seems as D3 s become cheaper more are buying them, but of course there's always the money pits out there if they've not been looked after

happy hunting and always happy to help where i can :)
Just thinking about buying one. This a great thankyou.

glad it's of some use

plse feel free to ask any questions in the discovery section, there's more of us now that own D3 's


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Do the replacement belts and tensioners come under servicing, ie should they be on the service history of an 8 year old D3 or this advice from experience?