How to change a 200tdi Discovery cambelt..?

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Pensioner Pete
Full Member
I've searched four different forums for information on this and keep coming up with 'How to change a 200tdi cambelt on a Defender which is the same but different.
FFS I know it's different that's why I'm looking for how to do a Disco one.
I'm sure I read it all the other day on some forum or other but can't for tha life of me find it.
COME ON Busterbus, do yer friggin cambelt ffs your public needs you.:rolleyes:
there's bog all real difference - but isnt the one with lots of pictures on the lr4x4 site done on a disco lump ?
there's bog all real difference - but isnt the one with lots of pictures on the lr4x4 site done on a disco lump ?
It's completely different and the 4x4 one is a defender. Probably the same procedure but I dont want to get it wrong as it must be different tensioning it. I could guess as I've done a few cambelts before, some using tipex and one by cutting the belt in half longways, slipping the new one on then cutting the old one pff alltogether.
Cant do that with the Disco though.
Timing chest id a different shape and the water pump is different with the inlet out the side instead of the bottom so not really the same.
I'll just have to guess, I've just spent more time trolling the forums and come up wi zilch.:rolleyes:
that's not significantly different - it's the same general process as depicted

did you look on difflock landowner if your adamant you want a disco specific one ?
How can it be the same if the pulleys are in different places, there are procedures for replacing the new belt and usually an easy way to do it so that's what I'm looking for. Saying slip the new belt on and then tension it as in the picture is useless if the picture aint the same as yours.
Am I bein a pain? I just like clear instructions with nowt missed out so as I dont get too much spanner rash.
seem to remember torque for the belt is 12ftlb on a new one and 14ftlb for a used one with an old bendy torque wrench.
Dont go by my figures though as i'm half asleep and been a while since i did one!!:yawn:
seem to remember torque for the belt is 12ftlb on a new one and 14ftlb for a used one with an old bendy torque wrench.
Dont go by my figures though as i'm half asleep and been a while since i did one!!:yawn:
I've read that somewhere but cant find it agian, should have printed it off, doin it tomorrow as well.:doh:
How can it be the same if the pulleys are in different places, there are procedures for replacing the new belt and usually an easy way to do it so that's what I'm looking for. Saying slip the new belt on and then tension it as in the picture is useless if the picture aint the same as yours.
Am I bein a pain? I just like clear instructions with nowt missed out so as I dont get too much spanner rash.

when you take the timing cover off you'll see the idler wheel - everything as detailed in the depender threads can be applied to the disco

i posted a pic of a disco 200 with the timing cover off the other day - compare it with the pictures in those threads and all will become clear

i hope
the procedure is the same for disco and defender and the timing marks are all the same just one less pulley to worry about. trust me it really is a simple job. if you have seen it all together, which obviously you have then you know exactly how it goes. just pin the pump at tdc and the cam and crank will stay there on their own. no real need to pin them as you can see the marks lined up. undo the three boss bolts on the injector pump, tention your belt and tighten everything up. Job done. rotate twice and check all timing marks again and put the lot back together.
Last one i did i replaced all 3 seals, crank, cover and cam. some cover bolts were a bit iffy and it took me a couple of hours. the chap paying was very happy with that at £15 an hour!
the procedure is the same for disco and defender and the timing marks are all the same just one less pulley to worry about. trust me it really is a simple job. if you have seen it all together, which obviously you have then you know exactly how it goes. just pin the pump at tdc and the cam and crank will stay there on their own. no real need to pin them as you can see the marks lined up. undo the three boss bolts on the injector pump, tention your belt and tighten everything up. Job done. rotate twice and check all timing marks again and put the lot back together.
Last one i did i replaced all 3 seals, crank, cover and cam. some cover bolts were a bit iffy and it took me a couple of hours. the chap paying was very happy with that at £15 an hour!

sounds ok but I cant find any punch marks on my cam gear, I'll have a better look tomorrow. Found the arrow on the crank so I'll line all up and have a go. Saw something somewhere about having to use two torque wrenches at the same time but cant find it again. I worry too much:)
Thanks for all your help chaps, I'm off to bed.
I'll take me camera with me tomorrow and get some instuctions on how not to do it and what goes wrong when yer doin it with oily glasses on so yer cant see what yer doin propper. An then at about 3.30 oclock ish the sun gets in yer eyes 'cause I should have put it inside to work on but then I cant see 'cause it's dark and I keeps breakin the bulbs in the lead lamp and fallin over the wire. Then I says sod it and goes for a cup of tea an falls astleep in the chair, then it's traffick time an I have to get goin home before the comuters block the way home and I is late for me tea. I'm goin to get at it earlier tomorrow and try and start before dinner time then I'll probably get the belt on an all tightened up and can start on the snapped bolts.
2 hours my arse
Should be done for weekend:D:D
Thanks for all your help chaps, I'm off to bed.
I'll take me camera with me tomorrow and get some instuctions on how not to do it and what goes wrong when yer doin it with oily glasses on so yer cant see what yer doin propper. An then at about 3.30 oclock ish the sun gets in yer eyes 'cause I should have put it inside to work on but then I cant see 'cause it's dark and I keeps breakin the bulbs in the lead lamp and fallin over the wire. Then I says sod it and goes for a cup of tea an falls astleep in the chair, then it's traffick time an I have to get goin home before the comuters block the way home and I is late for me tea. I'm goin to get at it earlier tomorrow and try and start before dinner time then I'll probably get the belt on an all tightened up and can start on the snapped bolts.
2 hours my arse
Should be done for weekend:D:D

sounds like a normal day workin on the landy:D:D:D