which are the best shocks for a Disco 2 at the moment?

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East Dorset
MOT advisory, (or whatever it is being called this week) rears need replacing due to "misting" (AWWW!)
On my Disco 1 I fitted GAZ shocks all round back in about 2004. They were fantastic, really reduced roll and did the job, but I have heard that they are not as good now. Also I think I only want to do the rears as the ACE works fine so roll is not a problem, so I may as well go for standard oil-based shocks.
What do members think is good? What has been your experience? I am not out to spend a fortune!
Sorry Nig43 and anyone else reading this, I must clarify.
I own three Discos, two Disco 1s and 1 Disco 2.
It is the shocks on the Disco 2 that need replacing hence the question in the thread heading.
I only mentioned the Disco 1 cos of the Gaz connection. They are still on the Disco 1 and doing fine.
The ones on the Disco 2 are original standard ones, fitted when the truck was made. Perhaps I was not very clear.
So, back to the original question, which standard shocks are best at the moment, without spending stupid money?
Britpart. The ones with 'genuine parts' written all over em
Sierrafery says "Bilstein" Smithy says "Britpart" ----------------- FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, Bilstein look good, expensive and gas, whereas t'others will be cheaper, and not gas which I am not so bothered about due to ACE and the use the vehicle will be put to, which is basically not hard use. But where to get genuine decent Britpart ones? I may still go with Bilstein as I am not a cheapskate and am prepared to pay money if there is real peace of mind at the end of it.

Any one else want to put their fourpennorth in?
Paddock spares, john craddocks, jgs4x4 online are pretty good. Island 4x4 are good suppliers. There's loads mate.

I ran britpart standard shocks all round on my disco 2 for 2 years. They were absolutely fine. I fitted em to my defender, only had it 6months but again, fine. Road use and light off road, non damaging.

Britpart are a stockists not a manufacturer. Britpart supply land rover main dealer service centres with parts. Just not the cheap stuff. If you buy the cheapest part from britpart you deserve it to fail. Go for the middle or higher priced part.
Smithy, as I said above, I am not a cheapskate and am willing to spend sensible money. I have used three out of the four suppliers you mentioned in the past. But it is confusing that Britpart is a supplier not a manufacturer, yet there is their name on the parts, looking like a manufacturer. Earlier you said....
The ones with 'genuine parts' written all over em
. Britpart have a terrible reputation with some people and there is even a saying now about them , something along the lines of"if it turns or seals, and is safety important, avoid them." Well shock absorbers have important seals in them. Yet again, some Britpart shocks are more expensive than others. And the description of how the cellular ones are put together matches the way in which other top manufacturers put them together.

Decision is not completely made but the Bilstein B6 currently is top of my list at the moment. GAZ shocks have lost a bit of their good rep at the moment with the racing guys I know and they are far more expensive, but I wouldn't hesitate to put them on my other D1 if I had the time and could be sure they were as good as the ones I mounted all round on my 300tdi D1 about 15 years ago. The difference in the way they really removed so much body roll was incredible. Like ACE but without being ACE. And obviously much less worry and expense than dealing with a dodgy ACE system.

What do you think?
From the experience of some friends of mine who fitted britpart, the cellular dynamics are damping well but theyr bushes didnt last much
Right, cellular dynamics are out then! The Bilsteins are really not much more than the Britpart ones so I think I'll go with them.

Thanks for your time and advice guys.
Incidentally Sierrafery, your comments in another post about some guys three amigo problem is very useful as your images help me with my 3 amigo problem which seems kind of solved at the moment except, as with all intermittent faults, I am just waiting for it to happen again.

Wow, three sets/makes of shocks on the same vehicle! Begs the question, WHY? The GAZ were fitted on my 300tdi in about 2004 and have stayed there ever since, they ain't bust so I ain't gonna fix 'em!

I don't race so I sure as heck don't need 4 way adjustables!

The Bilsteins will be ordered any day now.
It's a shame that they only offer these with +3" for the D2
IMO it's a shame that they offer any shocks at the quality they make them ... i had to remove my TF shocks just a bit after they went out of warranty cos they were rusted away and softened as sh*t... so it is the steering damper from them... i'd not touch TF again, that's my choice