Stuntman...glad you enjoyed the vids and info
. And yup, proves that the Series landie is more than capable! So yours will not be a problem. Remember that your winch is useless if you don't have nything to winch to - so look into ground anchors that work in soft sand
. We got stuck in sand with the tide coming in...that was a bit worrying but we un-stuck in the end!
Our Series does around about 180 miles to the tank normally...we also have 60 litres in jerry cans as a not a problem in Morocco. Morocco is relatively built up compared to other countries I have been to...*most* major-ish towns will have fuel stations...and there are plenty of towns as long as you partially plan your day it's not a problem.
You ask costs and things...your diesel price is about right I guess...I didn't take much notice of diesel but judging by the petrol price its not far off. Work out your rough MPG...and you can get a rough idea to (what is our) main cost. UK Ferry is £60ish, Spain to Morocco ferry about £230. Hotels, when we had to stay in them...if it is in the equivalent of the Moroccan Birmingham then you can stay somewhere clean for £10-£15 a night or stay somewhere for free if you get friendly with someone...if you are going to stay somewhere like Fes (recommended) or Marrakesh then you will be looking at more...and do haggle, and certainly check out all rooms first, regardless of what the hotel looks like on the outside! wherever possible though I prefer to wild camp. Food is cheap, most things are cheap in comparison to the UK. If I had a TDI (assuming 30MPG?) then I would set aside £1500 for everything (ignoring vehicle prep).
Leisurely route through Europe sounds like a good idea. Personally I prefer to whip it down there and do the 1500 miles in one shot, perhaps with a few hours break at some point. We do avoid motorways though and take the scenic route, even if half of it is in the dark!
I would personally not worry about getting stuck in the sand and travelling solo...people (including myself), IMHO, will normally get stuck in Morocco if they do something that with a bit of pre-thought, could be avoided. - i.e sand dunes, attempting to drive though a bog, etc. Morocco is not all sand, either, most of the sand we covered in our miles was pretty hard and you would struggle to get stuck in, and a LOT of it is rocky, hard stuff, which other than falling off a cliff you should be fine. If you wanted a bigger peace of mind you could hire a satellite's not all that expensive to hire for a few weeks.
With everything crossed, I want to go to Morocco again this year, probably July...but, and it is no disrespect to you, I prefer to travel with my travel companion, or our other team in the RRC. If you are going at the same time though, at least it would give you a bit of re-assurance that there are other contactable, English speaking Land Rover people in the same country!