So my Series 3 109 had developed what appears to be a leaky transmission.
It will start and run fine, but eventually heats up, and as it gets hotter, clatter of syncromesh increases ( either that or it is the valves ???), after which I seem to lose power to the accelerator, and it finally cuts out.
Let it cool down ( easy in this weather) and she'll start right up and we're back to square one.
All of this is ended with lots of smoke coming from the underneath bottom right (if you're looking into the engine bay ).
I've taken it to my mechanic who just goes "mate, engine's cooked."
I don't really believe him, as I would think if the head had gone she wouldn't start ??????
3.3 Perkins diesel - anyone got anything to add ???
As this weather closes in my daily car is getting less and less viable - I need my landy on the road.
Any help appreciated
........just to add: the mechanic hasn't ACTUALLY looked at it yet - he just bases it on the amount of smoke coming from the exhaust - which, on a cold day from a diesel .........?
It will start and run fine, but eventually heats up, and as it gets hotter, clatter of syncromesh increases ( either that or it is the valves ???), after which I seem to lose power to the accelerator, and it finally cuts out.
Let it cool down ( easy in this weather) and she'll start right up and we're back to square one.
All of this is ended with lots of smoke coming from the underneath bottom right (if you're looking into the engine bay ).
I've taken it to my mechanic who just goes "mate, engine's cooked."
I don't really believe him, as I would think if the head had gone she wouldn't start ??????
3.3 Perkins diesel - anyone got anything to add ???
As this weather closes in my daily car is getting less and less viable - I need my landy on the road.
Any help appreciated
........just to add: the mechanic hasn't ACTUALLY looked at it yet - he just bases it on the amount of smoke coming from the exhaust - which, on a cold day from a diesel .........?
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