Looking round for the cheapest static ip broadband to run a server on, joy of joys o2 deal that was recommended is not available on my exchange as are many others.
Freeola UK Internet Service Provider. Cheap internet access with free web hosting and unlimited free web space. looks promising and some good reviews-any ideas as LLu has not reached the sticks and 18 and 24 month contracts do not appeal
neither does port blocking and bandwidth shaping or phorm-plusnet and others
http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=781868 -describes my issue ie no LLU in my area yet
Review of providers
Freeola UK Internet Service Provider. Cheap internet access with free web hosting and unlimited free web space. looks promising and some good reviews-any ideas as LLu has not reached the sticks and 18 and 24 month contracts do not appeal
neither does port blocking and bandwidth shaping or phorm-plusnet and others
http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=781868 -describes my issue ie no LLU in my area yet
Review of providers
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