So, during lockdown I started ordering parts left right and centre for my series 3, 2.25 petrol. Somehow I decided I had a choke warning light switch on the choke cable and ordered the a main wiring loom and corresponding engine loom from auto sparks. Which arrived after the std 4 months (now longer than that I believe). Now that I’m finally getting round to looking at the electrics, I’ve now realised I dont have the choke warning light switch fitted. (vehicle has a Webber carb and after market choke cable). Don’t know how the hell I made the mistake, but I have done. The engine loom (LR323) is to be used only with LR301 main loom with choke switch. I’m trying to find out if I can just get the correct engine loom (LR325) and fit it to 301? So annoying given the long time they took to arrive.