Series 3 Mobile phone holder suggestions

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Hello, I just got a series 3 and am looking for suggestions for a good mobile phone holder that mounts to the dash. In the past I've always used brodit clips but they don't make one for the series 3, I tried their defender one and it wont fit.
Hello, I just got a series 3 and am looking for suggestions for a good mobile phone holder that mounts to the dash. In the past I've always used brodit clips but they don't make one for the series 3, I tried their defender one and it wont fit.
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I'd like to follow that post with something more helpful, but it's not an easy car to fit one to!

I use these ball/magnet things in all my cars, but the snag is that the double-sided tape under the base is never quite good enough and you need to use the outdoor stuff from (I think) EvoStik's range. Needs to be a completely smooth surface, so not the dash top.

On my previous S3 I had made up quite a cool bracket bent from 4mm stainless wire, hooked on the top of the 'sill' and had a 10" Android pad on it.

In my Lightweight I've given up. It's safest on the floor, but for satnav I balance it on the column and drive carefully.....

I built a Quad lock one for mine, it locks to my phone case and charges my phone also - I connect via Bluetooth to my stereo system,

try your pocket then we will all be safer
Some of us use our series vehicles as more than playthings. Having a secure mount for a phone gives me safe access to the satnav applications on my phone, which are invaluable when on a long journey.

The use of a holder/mount is common and accepted practice for portable touch screen devices in the UK, and I understand that some modern vehicles even have touch screens built in, thus suggesting that it's going to be normal.

So, your comment comes across as factitious and immature, perhaps you might wish to rephrase, or move to the "Anything goes" sub forum?
Some of us use our series vehicles as more than playthings. Having a secure mount for a phone gives me safe access to the satnav applications on my phone, which are invaluable when on a long journey.

The use of a holder/mount is common and accepted practice for portable touch screen devices in the UK, and I understand that some modern vehicles even have touch screens built in, thus suggesting that it's going to be normal.

So, your comment comes across as factitious and immature, perhaps you might wish to rephrase, or move to the "Anything goes" sub forum?
Why not simply get a TomTom/Garmin which sticks to the screen?
Job done and he won't be tempted to use it to check his texts etc, etc.
Both me and the wife wouldn't dream of using anything else.
If we want to use our phones we stop the car and switch the engine off.
And I am talking about long distance towing with a Disco 2 which has none of the modern screens in it.
Fair challenge.

Anything that obscures the forward vision is unlawful. It's why things dangling from a rear view mirror can and should cause an MOT fail. And a series has much less glass to stick devices to than a modern car.

Plus texting whilst driving is also unlawful, whereas using a phone satnav in a holder isn't.

Also why buy another device? That would pay for a tank of fuel.
Fair challenge.

Anything that obscures the forward vision is unlawful. It's why things dangling from a rear view mirror can and should cause an MOT fail. And a series has much less glass to stick devices to than a modern car.

Plus texting whilst driving is also unlawful, whereas using a phone satnav in a holder isn't.

Also why buy another device? That would pay for a tank of fuel.
Bottom right hand corner of the screen ain't obscuring much, we find the thickness of A pillars obscuring view to the right and left more of a challenge than our sat navs. Also you don't have to take your eyes so far off the road to look at them, even if you bother because the voice tells you what to do anyway.

I do appreciate the remark about texting etc on a mobile, which is why I said "tempted to" as we know so many are, and do. Also to answer phone calls, whether that is legal or not, (we just don't know anymore as we don't do it.)
But the point being these are all distractions which could lead to accidents.
The point about the cost of another device is a fair one, but once bought, with "lifetime updates" they last a heck of a long time, possibly even longer than a mobile which my wife (iPhone) seems to have to change every 4 years or so anyway!
I'd not risk it. Also the rugged nature of series suspension does lead to a lot of vibration, a mechanically attached holder works better for me.

I also find the on line nature of phone based satnav very very convenient. Live rerouting can be a godsend. Waze is very good.
I'd not risk it. Also the rugged nature of series suspension does lead to a lot of vibration, a mechanically attached holder works better for me.

I also find the on line nature of phone based satnav very very convenient. Live rerouting can be a godsend. Waze is very good.
We have family members who use Waze, or something like it.
I agree about sucker mounts not being the best.
TomTom has come on a bit and you can now reroute using them although when you are unexpectedly stuck in a jam on a motorway miles form the next junction, I don't know how much use it would be!
Last time it happened I told the wife that next time I'd get my tools out and open up a section of the central barrier. As has been done a few times. Doubtless illegal. :(
You've bought a Series 3? So far so good!
Now you give a sh!t about a mobile phone holder??????
Get an Evoque, I'm sure they come with more than one in all sorts of shades!
It's A$$holes like you who destroy these forums which are a fantastic way to gain knowledge from genuine enthusiasts who are intelligent and find ingenious methods to cure all manner of problems we come across. The guy asked a genuine question to get help and advice rather than abuse, if you can't be helpful move on and amuse yourself with something more appropriate to your IQ.
It's A$$holes like you who destroy these forums which are a fantastic way to gain knowledge from genuine enthusiasts who are intelligent and find ingenious methods to cure all manner of problems we come across. The guy asked a genuine question to get help and advice rather than abuse, if you can't be helpful move on and amuse yourself with something more appropriate to your IQ.
Oh dear, someone really rattled your cage didn't they!
You should look at my record where you will see that actually I try to help a lot of the time and succeed quite often too.
My reply was tongue in cheek which, if you were not so far up yourself, you would have realised. I knew that others with this issue would be along in no time at all to offer serious advice, as is exactly what happened.

Get a few thousand more posts under your belt before banging on like this. I am far, far from destroying this forum.

Now, your constructive help to @Chonker is........???????
Thanks for the suggestions, I've got a spare wheel on the bonnet so there's a bunch of space on top of the middle of the dash that wont be obscuring the road at all!

I only use it for navigation, I've a terrible sense of direction. With a dedicated satnav, aside from having to buy another device and then keep that device up to date (and it not knowing about the traffic), having to put it somewhere secure when you park rather than putting your phone in your pocket seems inconvenient.

I really like the mount up by the mirror, I didn't want to drill any additional holes and I like that it uses the existing ones, very neat.
Oh dear, someone really rattled your cage didn't they!
You should look at my record where you will see that actually I try to help a lot of the time and succeed quite often too.
My reply was tongue in cheek which, if you were not so far up yourself, you would have realised. I knew that others with this issue would be along in no time at all to offer serious advice, as is exactly what happened.

Get a few thousand more posts under your belt before banging on like this. I am far, far from destroying this forum.

Now, your constructive help to @Chonker is........???????
Sorry SS, but 'tongue in cheek' like that is for AG. And that quoted reply was beyond tongue in cheek.