To test for sleep mode:
Switch off interior lights (hold central button on light above centre of dash for several seconds)
Open Drivers door window and close door.
Insert Ignition Key and turn to position 2
Turn to off and leave the key in the barrel
Open the drivers door and the key-in message will be displayed on the instrument pack
The interior lights should still be off.....
Wait for 2 minutes (sometimes closer to 2 minutes 30 seconds) for the BeCM to go to sleep
If you can still see the Key-In message then the BeCM is awake.
If the message has gone, and you do something to wake the BeCM (try opening the bonnet), you'll get a bleep from the dash. This indicates that the BeCM has been awakened.
If you do this with an ammeter in series with the battery lead you'll see the current draw around 0.6 to 1A when the BeCM is awake and more like 0.03A when it's asleep.