Hi guys I'm having a bit of a head twerling moment at the mo.
Driving home at 50mph there was a loud bang followed by a clonking sound. I pulled up sharply and investiged. I found my front prop shaft about 10yds behind me. I now have the splines hanging from the front axle and a broken universal joint at the transfer box. I tried to limp off the road by driving with my rear wheels. But there was no movement in any gear. I thought I could drive with just my rear axel but it wouldn't. It looks that the universal joint at the transfer box end had broken and the shaft slipped of the splines at the front end. Something tells me it's not just the prop shaft that ñeds replacing. Can anyone shine a light on my dilemma please? It is a 2001 d2 Td5. HELP!
Driving home at 50mph there was a loud bang followed by a clonking sound. I pulled up sharply and investiged. I found my front prop shaft about 10yds behind me. I now have the splines hanging from the front axle and a broken universal joint at the transfer box. I tried to limp off the road by driving with my rear wheels. But there was no movement in any gear. I thought I could drive with just my rear axel but it wouldn't. It looks that the universal joint at the transfer box end had broken and the shaft slipped of the splines at the front end. Something tells me it's not just the prop shaft that ñeds replacing. Can anyone shine a light on my dilemma please? It is a 2001 d2 Td5. HELP!