new wheels amd tyres

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New Member
Renfrewshire, Scotland
looking to get some new wheels with tyres for my 110 td5, what is the best size of wheel for this model and tyre size, can anyone recomend anywere to get a deal or a good site were i can buy some from.

cheers FT
would help If he said what he wanted to do, road use,off road use.
Humourless jock-only a bit of banter
If you want to play who has the biggest bollocks-the regulars are past masters
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Scottish slang term meaning pussy, vagina, muff, ****
"Your a fud"
"I rolled over in bed and accidently kneed her in the fud. She woke with a scream and punched me in the balls"

English please.....
fook me this is going to be too easy !......ahem like you were asked before...what do you want to do with your landy ????????
unless anybody wants to help me out then dont reply to many daftys on these forums

bit ****ed then as that's most of the regulars, oh and when you learn to use a forum-I've already suggested some.

he wants quiet tyres that last 100,000 miles and are supreme off road-cheap ones too
chavvy discoveries have insa turbo special tracks.
gaylanders have any road tyre
series/fenders have cooper discover stt's if they've got any sense
gayngierovers again any road tyre