It has been an epic journey, but finally I have finished de-rusting and prepping the rear end of me discoovery and tonight I made a start on the painting
First coat done. Am being carefull but not overly anal with the 'ol brushing and have already managed to get some of the black stuff on small areas of chassis mounts, shock mounts, brake lines.
This led me to the question - are there any components which must not be painted in order to get through MOT. Ball joint rubbers would be the obvious as this would be covering up splits but is there anything else I need to avoid? Tis a bit tricky when you have sausage fingers like me...
First coat done. Am being carefull but not overly anal with the 'ol brushing and have already managed to get some of the black stuff on small areas of chassis mounts, shock mounts, brake lines.
This led me to the question - are there any components which must not be painted in order to get through MOT. Ball joint rubbers would be the obvious as this would be covering up splits but is there anything else I need to avoid? Tis a bit tricky when you have sausage fingers like me...