Hi all members , just joined my name is Patrique , yeh its French !! So nick name is " the Fog " I have a Disco 4 SDV6 which I love , one or two problems I know , but still a great truck !! I live in Cornwall , so the right vehicle for this county thats for sure . Most probs ive sorted , but his one has me stumped ! Gauge shows empty , but half full . Changed sensors ( floats ! in the old parlence ) genuine Landy ones . Had tank down twice! Checked sensors before putting tank back , making sure the furthest one dosnt stick ! working fine . check power block above NS/rear wheel arch , sensors register . Put tank back , reconnect battery , Hey presto working !! for 45seconds it shows half a tank , then low warning light back on !! Went through whole process again , same result!!!! forgive my french !! So to get a reading , disconnect the battery and it shows whats in the tank , for 45seconds then low fuel warning . So my thinking is , sensors working , or it woudnt show anything ! So why does gauge go back to low fuel ?? Any ideas or solutions would be a god send !!