the problem all lies with a little bit of european legislation which loosley translates to using the vehicle with accessories other than the manufacturer originally intended.
Before you all jump on me about this, I am the messenger, not the writer. I know lots of aftermarket accessories fall foul of this law.
The problem with LED bulbs is the quality can't be guaranteed, and it would introduce the element of reasonable doubt into whether they are acceptable or not, so it's safer to rule them out all together.
The actual lamp holders and reflectors are designed with filament lamps in mind, and reflect the light in a certain pattern to maximimse the visible effect in all conditions, and generally, the filaments are usually in the same place on e stamped bulbs and emit light equally in all directions, which can then be reflected forward.
LED's by contrast are very directional, and appear very bright when viewed end on, but not so good from the side. If you look at how a filament sidelight bulb mounts into the headlight enclosure, 9 times out of 10 if reflects light from the side of the bulb not the end. With an LED replacement, most of the light goes straight up, not out of the side.
just my two penneth based on personal experience