I changed the abs sensor today. - came up the other day as fault.
So by looking under the car it looked like a wedged in abs sensor.lead.
Today dismantled it after the new one arrived and figured out someone must have changed the hub.
The not working speed sensor is in the hub.
There is a spigot ring on the inside on the axle with a cut of abs sensor.
I taken that out as that is the one I got for the p38.
Put it in.reset the fault with hawkeye and seems to work.
Just like to know if that hub is the right one or from another model?
So by looking under the car it looked like a wedged in abs sensor.lead.
Today dismantled it after the new one arrived and figured out someone must have changed the hub.
The not working speed sensor is in the hub.
There is a spigot ring on the inside on the axle with a cut of abs sensor.
I taken that out as that is the one I got for the p38.
Put it in.reset the fault with hawkeye and seems to work.
Just like to know if that hub is the right one or from another model?