I would just like to say

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Av adda cr*p day. It be me last day oft twurk. Ah bin ter tip wiv bricks. Ah bin ter screwfix ter buy a voltage tecter un free strips er trunkin. He only put 2 strips in till so eye only gotted two. Ah fort b*llocks territ. Me tecter fing be dissapointed so eye be finkin er taykin it back. Well they does promise. Ah went back ter me castle un broke tup me ole lintel. Ah dint realise the shock broke'd the free slabs below. Ah fink me vibrations did it. It be dark so eye fly tipped the next and next load int skip ut twurk as tip be closed by then. Ah be wored oot un me pants av bin nicked toff washin lyne.
Ah be that tyid ah be felled ur sheep while listnin ter telly un be ont lz. Ah gotted fone int and un woke tup ter ear the fly we int catched garn buzerk round lite. It be dunnit last nite norl. Ah got cup un me screwfix receipt un cort it. It be well . Bin int ouse tall nite un struggling. It be oot side int cold now.
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Just looking at my income / outgoing figures for each month with a view to reducing my mortgage as quickly as possible.
At the minute by the end of 2025 I'll have it settled, but would I be silly to temporarily reduce what I pay in to a pension for 6 months in order to increase what I pay off the mortgage for the same duration?
Just looking at my income / outgoing figures for each month with a view to reducing my mortgage as quickly as possible.
At the minute by the end of 2025 I'll have it settled, but would I be silly to temporarily reduce what I pay in to a pension for 6 months in order to increase what I pay off the mortgage for the same duration?
With interests rates as low as they are there is little point in overpaying just to cut the period. Use the money for just about anything else!
If worried about possible rate increases then switch now to a fixed rate and relax.
If worried about possible rate increases then switch now to a fixed rate and relax.
Thankfully at the moment and for its full duration I'm on a base-rate tracker so I'm only paying about 1.95% at the moment. That's why the idea of overpaying as much as I can seems like a good idea.
I'm overpaying in order to reduce the term, I just wanna be mortgage free.
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I've really enjoyed the past two weeks of doing what I want, when I want.

At the minute by the end of 2025 I'll have it settled, but would I be silly to temporarily reduce what I pay in to a pension for 6 months in order to increase what I pay off the mortgage for the same duration?
I would not reduce payments into a pension pot. In 5 years time you will have your property, no mortgage, and when the time comes a nice wedge in your back pocket every month to do what you want when you want. Once you have the mortgage paid off you can make cash savings outside of the pension.