Hi Everyone, just wanted to introduce myself... I'm Welsh Tom, Based near Wrexham North Wales, I'm a 34 year old family man, laid back as they come, ex tattoo artist and 4x4 adventure enthusiast.
As you may have guessed from my avatar... my 'landrover' is Actually a heavily modified suzuki jimny! (Bring on the banter- I have thick skin and big lift)
I Actually joined the forum because I've seen a fair few members posts online (from a few years ago now) that are local-ish to me and I'd really like to get together with a few lads for some weekend green lanes.
I don't do the whole social media thing so without the power of 'Facebook' I'm struggling to hook up with anyone local. And I know a lot of you come here to play in north wales so figured I'd take a shot at reaching out via landyzone.
Green lanes/BOATS near here arent particularly safe to drive alone (although I have)
so would be really cool to catch up with a few of you out in the sticks n mud on a semi regular basis!
Hope to hear back from someone soon
As you may have guessed from my avatar... my 'landrover' is Actually a heavily modified suzuki jimny! (Bring on the banter- I have thick skin and big lift)
I Actually joined the forum because I've seen a fair few members posts online (from a few years ago now) that are local-ish to me and I'd really like to get together with a few lads for some weekend green lanes.
I don't do the whole social media thing so without the power of 'Facebook' I'm struggling to hook up with anyone local. And I know a lot of you come here to play in north wales so figured I'd take a shot at reaching out via landyzone.
Green lanes/BOATS near here arent particularly safe to drive alone (although I have)
Hope to hear back from someone soon