OK, now that I've fixed most of the problems that came with my RRC, I'd like to make a few little upgrades. Nothing major, just little bits and pieces!
So, first up is to make the most of that lovely V8 lump, and I'd like to release a bit more noise - nothing too offensive, just a bit 'throatier!'
What's the best and most cost-effective way to do this? An induction kit could be an option, but I run the risk of sucking in water if I go green laning, which I probably will, so should I stear clear of this?
On the exhaust front, the system is in good shape so no point replacing it, but would a new backbox make much difference? Or, cutting out the centre silencer and welding in a straight through pipe?
Any recommendations welcome!
So, first up is to make the most of that lovely V8 lump, and I'd like to release a bit more noise - nothing too offensive, just a bit 'throatier!'
What's the best and most cost-effective way to do this? An induction kit could be an option, but I run the risk of sucking in water if I go green laning, which I probably will, so should I stear clear of this?
On the exhaust front, the system is in good shape so no point replacing it, but would a new backbox make much difference? Or, cutting out the centre silencer and welding in a straight through pipe?
Any recommendations welcome!