hey dude
get yerself some recovery points, come play first in your standard motor! you iwll be surprised how good a standard motor is. when you done that a few times you can work out where you want to improve it!
check out my mota in the gallery, its in the 110 bit somewhere. its pretty standard, but its got a front steering, guard, spotlights, a 2 inch lift, 33 baja claws, and then a bunch of other bits
i would suggest looking to get a snorkel first, i still havent got one on mine, which is silly coz i still jump into fords like the rest of em. i would go for a snorkel first, that will set you back just over a tonne. then chuck a steering guard on it if you gonna be doing off roading - i bent my steering rod real nice at whaddon. in the end jai_landrover drove over it in his 90 to straighten it out.
once you got that i would go for tyres. the single biggest factor in my vehicle being capable off road is the tyres. i had BF mt on it before, and they were ok. but these new tyres are immense, give awesome traction - as one member says "makes it perform like a 90" - the quote below was coz i pulled a bloke through about 800 metres of lane coz he had grounded out. i couldnt have done that on my BF's!
so yea, if i were you i would go snorkel, steering guard, tyres. then maybe spotlights, but i am like a moth so i am attracted to lights.