Just bought a Landrover 110 Hicap off of Ebay and delivered it to a local garage to have the alternator replaced. The following weekend, the car was stolen from the garage.
I now need to claim on their insurance.
I have about £3k to spend
The car I bought was 1987 200 TDI with 70,000 miles. no major mods
What would be the book value as the insurance company will undoubtedly try to pay me as little as possible
I now need to find a replacement. Any ideas?
I now need to claim on their insurance.
I have about £3k to spend
The car I bought was 1987 200 TDI with 70,000 miles. no major mods
What would be the book value as the insurance company will undoubtedly try to pay me as little as possible
I now need to find a replacement. Any ideas?