Freelander 2: does the Freelander 2 have a removable reluctor ring?

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New Member

2007 Freelander 2; speed sensor & reluctor ring question. I've read through posted threads on this area and need to check a couple of things.

I've just relplaced my front hub, and noticed that upon removal of the old hub from the CV joint that a distroyed rubber coated metal ring came away with the old hub - so distroyed it will not fit back. I'm presuming this is a reluctor ring as it would serve no other purpose. Can't test is as I'm waiting for a new speed sensor. I can't find a replacement ring anywhere; some of the Landyzone threads say there isn't a reluctor ring on the Freelander 2. I've ordered a new CV joint as some have (and some haven't got a ring in place). The one I have ordered has got what seems to be a ring in place. Not had any issues with the ABS up to this point.

Can anyone give a definative answer tot he question: does the Freelander 2 have a removable reluctor ring? If so, can they be ordered seperately.

Cheers, Ant
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The ABS reluctor is part of the wheel bearing, not part of the CV joint. There is no separate ring available, just comes with the bearing.
That's good to know. I did a bit more research, and the ring is actually a "floating type seal" to keep out larger bits of muck and grease.