Freelander 2 2009 drivers window issue

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South Wales
Afternoon all if your reading this post thanks for looking.

I've bitten the bullet and bought a Freelander 2.....Will be really sorry to see the Freelander 05 go as after a few issues and support from this site it's been and still is a great car. The F2 broke down on the motorway a few days after I bought it with the issue being with the diesel leak return pipe, time will tell if I've done the right thing! That's enough of my waffling the issue I have is with the driver side window. When up it goes down OK but needs support and pushing to the back when going up. I've not taken the door panel off yet but could it be it's just jumped out of a clip or the clip has snapped... If so can you get repair sets. Apart from that it's going well but are there any non negotiable mods that I should be considering? Going to give it a service next week for oil, air filters and fuel filter. Thanks for looking.
Is the window motor running, but the window not moving? Or is the motor cutting out so stopping the window going up?

Make sure to get the pump to prime the fuel filter, and only buy a genuine fuel filter, or an OE which is identified by the name Perfux on the top.
Thanks for this and the advice around the fuel filter. The motor is running on the window and it goes up if you push the window to the open side of the door. I'm thinking the only way to find out really is to take the door card off... Any tips on what to watch out for? Also I've been looking for repair packs for the window runners but can't seem to find any, loads for the older model but not for the F2.
HI Yantojarc
I agree with Nodge68, I think I am having issues with my fuel filter which was not a genuine filter , when hot does not seem to respond to throttle all the time.
Hi All, hope you are all well. Got a battery issue and apologise if I should start a new post but technology not my strong point. Hi all, got strange one here. Freelander 2 TDRe 2009, not stop start. Battery died yesterday so changed it, a lot easier than I thought. Now every now and again when stopped the engine will cut out at idle and then restart. It only happens now and again and only since changing the battery. Any ideas?
Hi All, hope you are all well. Got a battery issue and apologise if I should start a new post but technology not my strong point. Hi all, got strange one here. Freelander 2 TDRe 2009, not stop start. Battery died yesterday so changed it, a lot easier than I thought. Now every now and again when stopped the engine will cut out at idle and then restart. It only happens now and again and only since changing the battery. Any ideas?
Check the battery clamps are tight, also keep an eye on the crank shaft sensor and it's wiring.
Well would you believe it.... The reason why it cut is because....... It's stop/start.... The previous battery must have been low on power when I bought the car which is why I never knew it was dtop/start until changing for a fully powered battery.... Now just have to see if I can get a refund on the purchased battery and replace for a stop/start battery.