Hello everyone, i am trying to change the head gasket for the FL1 99, L314 2.0Di "L" Series, according to the service manual I need to lock the Flywheel after matching the timing marks on the crankshaft, and then I need to lock the Diesel Pump by inserting a matching rod in the hole of the marked hole then loosen the bolt on the pump, remove the washer, and tighten the same bolt to ease the pump to avoid losing the pump timing, the problem ( when I match the crankshaft timing marks, I cannot see the hole thru the flywheel hole if it makes sense, so I can lock the flywheel, but I can see the the "hole of the hole" in unmatching timing marks), the question is it necessary to match the flywheel hole lock with the crankshaft timing? if so I can just lock the flywheel at any timing marks to stop it from spending while un-fasten the crankshaft bolts.