Broken Timing Belt

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Hi All,

Land rover 2.25 diesel engine. 1984 5 bearing engine.

I'm Stuck....

Timing belt broken but didn't cause damage when head stripped down and everything checked, however, I'm stuck as to how to correctly time the engine as there are no marks other than a punch mark on the distribution pump pulley, a punch mark and 2 scored lines on the camshaft pulley, and, nothing on the crankshaft cog other than the collet (when this is at 12 o'clock the flywheel mark (only one) shows TDC (approximately).
There are 3 arrows on the face of the front of the engine.
I have looked through loads of manuals and some you tube videos but nothing refers to this engine - the LR manuals all show a chain. Haynes manuals are rubbish.

Can anyone out there tell me how to get the camshaft and distribution pump in the right place with the crank at TDC. I have general engine knowledge but never done this before.

Thanks in anticipation

The Land Rover series engines had a timing chain, so if you have a belt it might not actually be a Land Rover series engine, I believe the later 2.5 engines were cam belts.
it might help to stick up a picture of your engine.
Hi, definitely a LR engine

Engine fully reconditioned but just don't know how to time it properly as it won't run.


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Hi, definitely a LR engine

Engine fully reconditioned but just don't know how to time it properly as it won't run.
I am farily sure you have a 12j engine which is a 2.5na, but someone with more knowledge will be along shortly. In your photo is looks like you have already painted the timing marks white so I am not sure what you are struggling with or asking. The arrow on the crank lines up with the keyway. The arrows for the other two line up with th epop marks.

Is the question that you do not have a pop mark on the cam pulley because there should be one? If there is not you should be able to get the cam times by using the lifters but I would need to look up which one should be fully down at TDC. But also if there is not has someone fitted the pulley the wrong way around or the incorrect pulley?
12j engine. The engine is timed by locking pins [ kit available] inserted into fly wheel and pump and marks on cam pully. You need the manual.
I am farily sure you have a 12j engine which is a 2.5na, but someone with more knowledge will be along shortly. In your photo is looks like you have already painted the timing marks white so I am not sure what you are struggling with or asking. The arrow on the crank lines up with the keyway. The arrows for the other two line up with th epop marks.

Is the question that you do not have a pop mark on the cam pulley because there should be one? If there is not you should be able to get the cam times by using the lifters but I would need to look up which one should be fully down at TDC. But also if there is not has someone fitted the pulley the wrong way around or the incorrect pulley?
Hi thanks for the info.

Yes, I have put some marks on the pulleys based on some old photos of the strip down. However, it cranks over easily but still will not start. So I need info on how to set the camshaft from the valves...crank definitely at TDC (EP mark on flywheel) the rest I have no idea.
12j engine. The engine is timed by locking pins [ kit available] inserted into fly wheel and pump and marks on cam pully. You need the manual.
Ok.....more different info....impossible to get to flywheel and there are no holes in front of distribution pump! I have 3 marks on camshaft pulley but don't know which one I should line up with the arrows!
I have 3 different manuals and none of them refer to timing belt - they are all relevant to this model and engine.
The flywheel pin goes where a plug is fitted top offside of housing. The injection pump pin goes in at the side of the pump.
What ever manuals you have they are not relevant to this engine. 2.5 NA engine was fitted to early Ninety and One Ten models.
The flywheel pin goes where a plug is fitted top offside of housing. The injection pump pin goes in at the side of the pump.
What ever manuals you have they are not relevant to this engine. 2.5 NA engine was fitted to early Ninety and One Ten models.
I am very confused now as all my documentation says this is a 2.25 engine!!
Is there a way of checking for definite- I live in spain and if its found that I have a different sized engine to my documents (these have an MOT every 6 months!!) Then the fines are massive and the vehicle confiscated and crushed....not something I want after a complete nut and bolt restoration costing thousand!!
That's a 2.5 na. It's been years since I owned one but I do remember borrowing a timing kit off my friendly landrover dealer when I rebuilt it.
Do the timing as a 2.5 NA
And don’t mention it to any officials. All your paperwork is what you should show them.
As long as numbers are all good it’s not your fault
Hi Again All,

Now I'm really stuck.....

After all the replies and help identifying the beast and getting the correct manual with the instructions on how to time it, I come across another problem (no surprises there).

OK, So,
I bought a timing pin to lock the flywheel - OK
I rotated the crank until the pin locked in the groove - OK
I then lined up the punch mark on the distributor pump with the cast arrow - OK (at this point I thought I'd cracked it and was beginning to get optimistic..........Oh how disappointed was I in the next few minutes!!!!)
I then tried to line up the camshaft punch mark with its arrow on the cast but it got about a 1/4 of the way round then stuck (I assumed an open valve was in contact with a piston???) I did not force it, instead I took the rocker assembly off (on the advise of another group member, thanks) and then of course all the valves were closed and I could move the camshaft round to the mark.
I refitted the belt, tensioned it as per manual, and rotated the engine 2 turns clockwise and checked the marks, as per the manual. It didn't turn as smoothly, or as easily as I expected but it did turn and the marks had not moved. I slackened and re-tensioned the belt and rotated twice was still as stiff as before. the marks were still in the correct place.
So, I checked all the pushrods (all good) and replaced the rocker assembly........The engine turned a 1/4 turn and locked up same as before. I then swore at it (again) and left it to come and talk to you guys to find out what I am doing wrong.........
Please help.
Thanks, Steve
If you have had the head off and the valves are ok then it must be something in the rocker/pushrod area. Hmm, were the push rods in the roller thingy, that I forget the name of, if the pushrod wasn't in right it could be too high. Are the rockers adjusted ok? Is there a nut in the bore, don't laugh I know someone this happened to!
I had the same problem before I took the rocker assembly off. There's no nut in the bore lol but I have done daft things before so rule nothing out....when it was mis-timed it rotated ok its only since I have tried to time it as the manual that thus has occurred.

Just in case anyone else is thinking.....for information.....the crank, bottom end bearings, piston rings and camshaft etc have not been removed or tinkered with. The engine ran fine before the belt snapped and did not damage the pushrods or valves (but I replaced these with new anyway) the tappets were set before the belt snapped.
Sounds like you have got the cam/crank belt fitted incorrectly and as you say the valves hitting one of the pistons , so ensure the no 1 piston on compression stroke with both valves closed it’s possible you’re a turn out

Have you a copy if correct engine manual
Yes have the correct manual and the timing instructions are very clear and easy to follow.
I don't see how it can be a 'turn' out as its by the book so to speak.....neither the crankshaft pulley or camshaft pulley have been removed.
I do not know which valves should be in what position when the flywheel tool is in and the camshaft dot lined up??
Very frustrating
Hi thanks for the info.

Yes, I have put some marks on the pulleys based on some old photos of the strip down. However, it cranks over easily but still will not start. So I need info on how to set the camshaft from the valves...crank definitely at TDC (EP mark on flywheel) the rest I have no idea.
TDC not the same as EP exhaust No 1 at max opening
Is your engine number on left front of engine or on right above rear side plate near lift pump, this will let you know whether you have an early or late 2.5 and how to time it