(Wondering why you did this instead of cutting the wires leading to your existing ones and extending them yourself with bits of other wire.)
Nevertheless, I think we have to assume that the sensors, per se, are OK in that they send a signal to the ABS ecu on test and sometimes while running. So, if the air gap is too big it implies that the sensor quite imply is just not quite far enough into its 'ole. Which is why some people recommend giving it a bit of a tap with an 'ammer. Gently mind.
But we also have to ask how long ago the hubs were replaced. It is alwasy best, where possible to replace the hubs with new ones together with their new sensors already installed. The hubs only have to be running a fraction out of round through wear, to set the 3 amigos off.
You could try cleaning them then putting them back in dry and tight. The O ring may have swollen.
Do you still have the old sensors? Have you compared the fitted length of them with the new ones?
I'd be tempted, as it'll cost nothing, to go back to the old sensors, cut their wires and extend them a bit as first mentioned. If they work then you'll know it is your new sensors not fitting quite right.
@sierrafery will probably have something to add as he is the dude with all this!!